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Application for the BottleChallenge project

Thank you for joining us in making the world a better place.

The Bottle Challenge will reduce plastic waste in real terms through the involvement of catering establishments.

Bottle Challenge offers benefits for partners:
– active participation in the pro-enviromental programme
– displaying the premises on a map in an application dedicated to the project
– pro-enviromental activities increasing the attractiveness of the premises
– increasing traffic in the premises
– free advertising

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Name, street, apartment number, postal code, city. The information will be displayed in the Bottle Challenge app. If you are reporting more than one premises, please provide the addresses in new lines, after the enter key. *
Details of the person registering the premises for the Bottle Challenge. The data will not be published. Only used for contact regarding the BottleChallenge project.
ORGANIZER: BrainGreen Foundation, street Szpitalna 6/6-7 00-031 Warsaw office: +48 883 453 475, project coordinator: (+48) 517 699 897 or TERMS AND CONDITIONS The aim of the "Bottle Challenge" project is to protect the environment by reducing the need to purchase water in disposable plastic packaging. "Bottle Challenge" is a global project. Participation in the project is free of charge for both participating catering establishments and application users. As part of the project, the Organizer provides users with an application that indicates the catering outlets participating in the program. Application users are able to record the amount of disposable packaging saved. In the future, the Organizer plans to reward users with the largest amount of plastic saved. The application uses geolocation and navigates users to the nearest catering point. The organizer ensures that catering establishments participating in the project place their business card in the application. The application will be developed and expanded with new functionalities, taking into account its usefulness for people participating in the program, increasing the attractiveness of restaurants and its basic goal – reducing the amount of single-use plastic waste. The Organizer will notify the catering establishment about all updates via e-mail. The restaurant is entitled to use information about participation in the "Bottle Challenge" program in marketing, advertising, PR, CSR and ESG activities. Graphic materials are available on the BrainGreen Foundation website in the "press" tab. Each use of the project logos should be reported to: The catering establishment undertakes to: a) post information about participation in the project in a visible place from the outside of the premises (tip for application users – labeling in the form of a sticker will be provided by the organizer within 7 business days from the date of sending the application), b) pour free tap water " to a reusable water bottle (it is permissible to fill the water bottle with another drink, excluding alcoholic beverages), c) providing users of the application with a QR code counting the amount of "eliminated plastic" (the QR code will be provided with the marking of the premises – point 8a), d) equal treatment of users regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, belief, belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. The organizer reserves the right to refuse to accept a restaurant to the "Bottle Challenge" program due to suspected activities inconsistent with the statutory activities of the BrainGreen Foundation, in particular excessive use of plastics: packaging, cutlery, cups and other disposable tableware.
I consent to the processing of my personal data, including the processing of special category personal data provided in the above form, by the BrainGreen Foundation based in Warsaw (01-793) at ul. Rydygiera 13 – in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC. Such consent may be withdrawn at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. I declare that all personal data was provided by me voluntarily and consciously. The administrator of personal data is the BrainGreen Foundation based in Warsaw. Requests to change or delete data can be submitted to the following e-mail address: